Terms of Use

By accessing and using the DisAbility Toys and Tools website, you agree to abide by these Terms of Use. Please review them carefully.

Disability Toys and Tools 
reserves the right to change these Terms of Use without prior notice.

DisAbility Toys and Tools retains the following rights at any time:

  • Modify, update, change, or remove any part of this website.
  • Suspend or restrict access to this website if there is a material breach of these Terms of Use.
  • Stop or suspend the operation of this website.

General Disclaimer

You acknowledge and agree that:

  • This website and its contents are provided "as is."
  • Information on this website may contain typographical errors, technical inaccuracies, or other errors and may not be accurate, complete, or current.
  • Any answers provided to questions on this website are general opinions and should not be considered definitive or exhaustive advice.


This website and its content are subject to copyright owned by DisAbility Toys and Tools or third parties in certain cases. You may view and electronically copy parts of this website and its content for personal, non-commercial use. Any other use is prohibited except as permitted under the applicable copyright laws.

Trade Marks

Usage of any trademark displayed on this website is not permitted.

Mode of Access

To use this website, you need internet access and compatible devices and systems. You are responsible for meeting these requirements, which may change over time. DisAbility Toys and Tools is not obligated to make the website available on any specific device or system.

Third Party Websites

This website may contain links to third-party websites for convenience.
DisAbility Toys and Tools is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of linked websites. It is your responsibility to read and understand the terms and conditions of any linked websites.


Cookies are used on this website to gather data. You may disable cookies on your web browser, but this may limit your ability to use all website features.


Take precautions to avoid exposing your computer system to viruses or malicious code when accessing this website. DisAbility Toys and Tools is not liable for any losses or damage incurred due to viruses or interference.

Material Submitted By You

Certain website sections may allow you to submit materials that can be viewed by the public (User-Generated Content or UGC). By using these features, you acknowledge and agree to various terms, including:

  • You will only publish original UGC for which you hold the necessary intellectual property rights.
  • Your UGC will not breach any third party’s rights or laws.
  • You grant  Disability Toys and Tools a license to use, display, and modify your UGC.
  • Your UGC will not contain material that is false, inaccurate, misleading, or inappropriate.

If your UGC includes product or service ratings or reviews, you represent that your opinions are genuine and not influenced by compensation or affiliations. Disability Toys and Tools may answer your questions at its discretion, and answers provided are general opinions.

Contact for Takedown Requests

If you believe content on this website infringes your rights or violates these Terms of Use, please contact us with specific information to facilitate the takedown process.
In the form please specify the following information:

  • your name;
  • your address;
  • your phone number;
  • your email address;
  • information to allow us to find the relevant content on this website;
  • a description of the item or items that you believe is in breach of your intellectual property rights or these Terms of Use, and the reasons for this; and
  • where applicable, details of the owner of the content (and if you are not the owner, the capacity in which you are acting on their behalf).


If any provision of these Terms of Use is deemed invalid, void, or unenforceable, it shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.